Trust Regulated Entities

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General Trusts

Entity Street & Mailing Address Country Tel Fax
Athos Family & Business Services (Anguilla) Ltd. The Valley Anguilla, B.W.I. (264) 497-0361 (264) 497-8617
Geneva Trust Corporation 201 Rogers Office Building Edwin Wallace Rey Drive P O Box 941 George Hill Anguilla, B.W.I. (264) 498-5858 (264) 497-5504
Hover Trust Company (Anguilla) SEZC Ltd The Babrow Building P.O. Box 371 The Valley Anguilla, B.W.I. (264) 498-4224 (264) 498-4220
Trident Trust Company (Anguilla) Limited Heritage Suite P.O. Box 1533 The Valley Anguilla, B.W.I. (264) 498-0340 -
United Trust (Anguilla) Limited Babrow Building P O Box 371 The Valley Anguilla, B.W.I. (264) 497-4224 (264) 497-4220

Restricted Trusts

Entity Street & Mailing Address Country Tel Fax
Agora Trust Ltd. Heywood House P.O. Box 294 The Valley Anguilla, B.W.I. Tel: (264) 461-6468 / (264) 497-6468 Fax: (264) 461-6080 / (264) 497-6800
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Contact Information

Anguilla Financial Services Commission
MAICO Building, P.O. Box 1575, The Valley
Phone: +1 (264) 497 5881 / +1 (264) 497 5466